How Law Firms Manage Cloud Costs [Video]
Law Practices Manage Cloud Costs Based On Its Requirements Your cloud environment might only be priced for your current needs. As your requirements shift, provisioning and services might become more…
Considerations For Your Cloud Environment [Video]
Things To Consider To Implement The Appropriate Cloud Network Investing in the cloud and configuring it to your particular needs takes a lot of planning. The wrong service could prevent you…
Why More Organizations Are Moving Critical Workloads To The Cloud
More organizations are moving critical workloads to the cloud for a number of reasons.
How To Find The Right Cloud Solution [Video]
By following a few easy steps, you can find the right cloud solution for your law firm.
How law firms can ensure confidentiality in the cloud [Video]
Legal professionals can uphold confidentiality in the cloud in a few easy ways.
Questions for law firms to ask when considering the cloud
Let’s take a look at some of the top questions that law firms should ask when considering the cloud.
Why The Cheapest Cloud Isn’t Always The Best [Video]
The cheapest cloud isn’t always the best option for your law firm.
Security Considerations When Moving To The Cloud [Video]
There are a few security considerations lawyers should think about when moving to the cloud.
Why now is the best time to migrate to the cloud [Video]
Now is the best time for your organization to migrate to the cloud to reap its benefits and keep up with the competition.
Top 3 Key Performance Indicators For Cloud Value
There are three key performance indicators that legal practices should watch to measure cloud value.
Why Cloud Should Be Part Of Your Mobile Strategy
Let’s take a closer look into why the cloud should be part of your mobile strategy.
How The Cloud Can Boost Your Disaster Recovery Plan [Video]
Implementing cloud technology as part of this strategy can boost your disaster recovery efforts and yield significant benefits.