Making IT Strategic to Law Firm Direction
However, as functions, Operations and IT are all too often considered tactical enablers rather than drivers that serve as an equal partner in setting and executing firm strategy. This approach…
Pearlman Miranda Law Firm Moves to the Cloud with Afinety
We sat down with Steve Adnopoz, a public finance/municipal securities lawyer and partner at Pearlman & Miranda, LLC. We chatted with Steve about the role of IT within the firm,…
An Exciting Year Ahead for Afinety and Our Law Firm Clients
As we head into the middle of March, I’m struck by how quickly 2021 is progressing. Here at Afinety, we are also making concerted progress on several fronts. I want…
eBook: How Law Firms Can Keep Client Data Secure 10 Best Practices
In this eBook, we review 10 best practices that managing partners, firm administrators, operations managers, and IT directors should keep in mind across a range of different vulnerability points. Spanning…
10 Security Practices Every Law Firm Should Follow
Originally published December 1, 2020, by Steve Sobka, Director of Technology and Infrastructure, and Bill Sorenson, VP of Product, at www.elite.com. Cybersecurity has long been an area of concern for…
Tips and Tricks – Microsoft Word Best of Automation and Time Savers
The most recent Afinety University Tips & Tricks webinar focused on Microsoft Word Automation tools. The Tips and Tricks webinar series is designed for attorneys, paralegals, and legal assistants looking…
10 Best Security Practices for Securing Client Data
Earlier this month, our team presented a webinar on the best practices that managing partners, firm administrators, operations managers, and IT directors should keep in mind across a range of…
Tips and Tricks – Microsoft Word Table of Authorities
Afinety University Tips & Tricks Webinar Series is perfect for those working in the legal field looking to develop their skills in Microsoft Word and other common law firm software…
Take Your Firm Farther With iManage Work 10 and IT provided by Afinety
To practice law is to manage. Clients, cases, correspondence, documents, memoranda — the assignments and responsibilities of the job are relentless and require ongoing management to keep everything straight. You…
Tips and Tricks – Microsoft Word Styles, Multilevel Numbering & Tables of Contents
Afinety University Tips & Tricks Webinar Series is designed for attorneys, paralegals, and legal assistants who would like to develop their skills in Microsoft Word and other common law firm…
Tips and Tricks – Microsoft Word Track Changes and Document Comparison
Recently, the Afinety University Webinar Series looked at “tips and tricks” regarding the track changes and document comparison features in Microsoft Word. Led by Diana Baker, Afinety’s Macro Developer and…
Tips & Tricks: Microsoft Word Styles, Multilevel Numbering & Table of Contents [On Demand]
Increase your efficiency in MS Word and save valuable time creating documents! This webinar will show you how to format a pleading using Heading Styles and Multilevel Numbering, as well…