Law Firm Cloud Security Threats To Look Out For In 2018
Law firms should be aware of multiple cloud security threats in 2018.
Mobile Cloud Access Is A Unique, Growing Business Segment For Law Offices
According report by the international market research and consultation company MarketsandMarkets, the global mobile cloud market will grow to $46.90 billion by 2019, up from $9.43 billion in 2014.
Legacy IT Networks Are Holding Back Cloud Adoption For Attorneys [Video]
As more and more companies undertake an almost mandatory digital transformation, the act of moving critical workloads to the cloud is being held up by legacy IT infrastructure. Legacy IT…
Why Cloud Services Are Now Ubiquitous For Most Law Firms
Law firms who are unsure over the integration of a cloud platform into their working practices face the risk of failing to meet their client’s digital expectations.
Signs You Should Move Your Law Firm To The Cloud [Video]
When To Upgrade Your Law Practice To The Cloud Adopting new technology takes time and effort to accomplish. There are several signs that you should move your law firm to the…
Why Law Firms Need The Cloud [Video]
Cloud’s Journey To A Necessity Cloud environments have evolved from an ambiguous entity to an asset that businesses can’t go without. Let’s take a closer look at the cloud’s journey…
3 Cloud Vendor Considerations [Video]
How To Choose The Best Cloud Vendor For Your Law Firm The cloud is essential to an organization’s operations, but the solution is only as good as the vendor supporting…
Solid Reasons To Move Legal Practices To The Cloud [Video]
Why Law Firms Need The Cloud Cloud technology has had an impact on nearly every industry and is becoming a necessity for modern organizations. Law firms are also being pressured to…
How To Ensure Network Security [Video]
Proven Solutions To Ensure Law Practice Network Security Business networks are a critical gateway to sensitive data and resources. Networks are necessary to operations, but leaving them unsecured can lead…
Why Law Firm Cloud Isn’t Just The future, It’s Now [Video]
Cloud Networks Are Necessary For Law Firm Efficiency & Cost Management Cloud platforms have shifted from a nice asset to have to an absolutely essential player in business operations. Organizations…
Meeting The Needs Of Modern Law Firm Clients
Law firms must ensure that they have the infrastructure in place to meet the needs of their modern clients.
Overcoming Modern Cloud Challenges [Video]
Cloud challenges have dissipated as organizations have gained more experience working with the technology.