The Security Services That Will Protect Your Law Firm



Law firms remain a vulnerable target of cyberattacks because of their vast amount of confidential information, a statistically lower adoptability rate of security tools, and a high-volume of file sharing with external contacts. With cyberattacks being on the rise, in frequency and sophistication, it is imperative for law firms to constantly assess their security practices to stay ahead of the new threats and methods for combatting them.

There are many defenses to utilize and strengthen your firm’s security posture as well as increase the legal industry’s adoptability of security tools, network and perimeter security, data security, and artificial intelligence for endpoint protection to name a few.

But did you know that your end users are your firm’s first defense against outside threats, especially when it comes to cyberattacks like phishing, ransomware, and data breaches?

Protect your data. Protect your users.

The best way to secure your firm’s sensitive, client data is to protect your users and implement reliable walls of defense. Below are some examples of effective and highly recommended security services designed to protect your firm on an end-user level. If you’re unsure which defense tactics are proven in blocking threats at the end-user level before a bad actor can cause damage, the following are critical must-haves to protect your firm:

  1. Mimecast Email Security defends your firm against inbound spear-phishingmalware, and spam by blocking suspicious emails before they get to your users’ inbox. In addition, Mimecast’s Targeted Threat Protection includes impersonation and URL screening for incoming emails as well.
  2. KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training educates your users on the most current risks and how to avoid them with pre-recorded, self-paced security awareness training videos and simulated email phishing campaigns. If a bad email happens to get through the Mimecast email spam filter, your users will be more aware of recognizing possible malicious links or impersonation attempts that could cost your firm hours of downtime, stolen data, or worse.
  3. Duo Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) prevents bad actors from compromising your firm’s email accounts. This is the simplest, most effective way to make sure users are who they really say they are when accessing your network, email accounts, and specific applications. Duo works by requiring users to confirm multiple factors before permitting access, instead of just an email and a password. Multi-factor authentication is a must for end-user security in the modern workplace and can prevent highjacked email accounts, security breaches, or lost data.
  4. SentinelOne encompasses AI-powered prevention, detection, response, and threat hunting across user endpoints, containers, cloud workloads, and IoT devices. Empowering modern enterprises to defend faster, at greater scale, and with higher accuracy across their entire attack surface. Their platform is an all-in-one solution that drives risk reduction and efficiency for the cloud, at every endpoint, instantly defending against cyberattacks.

Afinety’s Layered Approach to Security

There is no “silver bullet” for your cybersecurity defense. To build and maintain a reliable defense, incorporating several security strategies and products is required. We believe in using a layered approach that deploys multiple security controls. This approach ensures that bad actors who penetrate one layer will be stopped by a subsequent layer.  The services above are essential in the layered approach to protect your firm’s data and users.

Most of the security audits that we assist our clients with include questions on these specific types of defenses, and how they each play a part in protecting firms. If you already have some, or all, of these security services implemented, you’re on the right track. If not, we can answer any questions you may have, as we offer all these defenses to firms, handling the implementation, maintenance, and performance.

Afinety’s robust security portfolio includes partnerships with Mimecast, KnowBe4, Duo, and SentinelOne. We are aligned with these partners on the importance of a holistic cybersecurity solution that defends against any imaginable threat. We offer a security posture that includes an embedded, advanced layer of protection to our clients and their firms. Combining our core security with the essential services above, your firm will be provided with the highest levels of protection.