Service-Specific Terms

These Afinety Service Specific Terms (these “Service Specific Terms”) are between Afinety, Inc., a Netgain Technology LLC company, with offices at 720 West St. Germain Street, Suite 200, St. Cloud, Minnesota 56301 (“Afinety”) and the company that signs an Order that incorporates these Service Specific Terms by reference (“Client”) and is effective as of the date of Client’s signature on the Order.

These Service Specific Terms, together with the Order in which they are referenced, Master Services Agreement, and other documents referenced in that Order are, collectively, the “Agreement” as that term is used in the Master Services Agreement. Capitalized terms used in these Service Specific Terms and not otherwise defined have the meaning given in the Master Services Agreement.

Implementation and Go Live Date.

Afinety shall configure the Application Environment Services in accordance with the Order within the time stated in the Order, of if no time is stated, within a reasonable period of time. Afinety’s time for implementation is extended by any delay resulting from Client’s failure to provide information, assistance or interim testing as reasonably requested by Afinety. The “Go Live Date” is the date that the implementation is complete and Customer is authorized by Afinety to use the Application Environment Services for production purposes. Monthly recurring fees apply from the Go Live Date, provided that Afinety may begin charging the recurring fees prior to the Go Live date if it is not able to complete the implementation within 90 days form the Order signing date due to Client’s delay.

Application Environment Services.

Unless otherwise expressly excluded in the Order, the Application Environment Services covered by the Order include the following:

i. a virtual private cloud which consists of virtual servers, workspaces and related infrastructure;

ii. virus protection and monitoring for all server infrastructure; and
iii. data backups.
Application Environment Services do not include: licensing (unless otherwise expressly agreed in the Order), Client’s Internet or local network services, or mobile device management.