
How the cloud improves law firm productivity [Video]



How the cloud improves law firm productivity _Afinety

The right tools can make all the difference when it comes to maximizing productivity and efficiency within a business. Law firms need a solution that provides tangible value to their jobs. The cloud can significantly improve productivity among legal practices.

Many professionals within the industry handle a lot of paper. This can be time-consuming as documents must be handed off, signed, returned and archived. Transferring so many times can result in errors and lost documents.

Cloud-based document management solutions, like iManage, offer a central repository for files that can be accessed anywhere at anytime. Employees can collaborate on cases and can even go paperless within the office, boosting productivity. Afinety, a Certified iManage Partner, can help you with all aspects of document management cloud solutions for your firm. Stay tuned to learn more about how the cloud can benefit your law firm.