
Afinety’s Secure Cloud Solution: Powering Chaffetz Lindsey’s Global Practice



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Chaffetz Lindsey is a New York-based litigation boutique firm specializing in commercial dispute resolution. The firm transitioned to Afinety’s next-generation hosted desktop solution and in doing so, has had a positive impact on their operations.


Chaffetz Lindsey broke off from a larger firm approximately 15 years ago, taking many of their clients with them. As a boutique law firm, they require a robust IT infrastructure that allows them to serve their global clients in real-time. The firm, consisting of nearly 40 attorneys, needed secure access to their data stores and 24/7/365 support.

The firm was an early adopter of the cloud. However, over time, they faced challenges with their previous managed service provider (MSP). They were missing out on the benefits of a public cloud-based solution, including updated features and security patches. In addition to that, they were being nickel and dimed for storage. They wanted a partnership that would provide a solution that worked well for them–not the vendor.

Chaffetz Lindsey was drawn to Afinety’s security-first approach, stellar customer support, and a partnership-based pricing model. They appreciated that Afinety provided a consistent user experience across all devices, enabling their attorneys to focus on their legal work without technology concerns.

Doug Gibson, Director of Information said, “Back in 2009, we were early adopters of cloud-based technology. So, when we needed a new IT partner, Afinety and their next-gen hosted desktop solution was a pretty easy decision for us. Afinety is a security-first organization with phenomenal customer support. They checked all the boxes for us.”

Smoothest Implementation Ever Experienced

The migration to Afinety’s solution was seamless, with no roadblocks or issues. One of the partners mentioned it was the smoothest migration he had ever experienced. The transition to Afinety’s hosted desktop solution, including Microsoft 365, enabled the attorneys to access their work from various devices, leading to increased productivity, especially in remote work scenarios.

Chaffetz Lindsey was impressed with Afinety’s focus on security and the team’s willingness to address their specific needs. Afinety’s team took ownership of their role and partnered with the law firm to find tailored solutions.


The firm’s move to Afinety provided them with a secure, harmonized cloud environment. Chaffetz Lindsey felt assured that their data was protected, allowing attorneys to work securely from various locations.

“One of the things that gave us such comfort with Afinety was the fact that they gave us a secure environment, Gibson said. Backed by enterprise-level infrastructure, the Afinety Cloud Platform delivers a customizable shared desktop interface which gives me control of administrative decisions and our users a high performing Windows desktop that is available to them wherever they work. Many other solutions that we looked at did not have that. It was more disparate. Afinety gave us all that and the assurance that it was secure enough even for an attorney to work in.”

Chaffetz Lindsey’s partnership with Afinety improved their efficiency, security, and user experience, ultimately benefiting their legal practice. By choosing Afinety’s next-gen hosted desktop solution, the firm not only strengthened its IT infrastructure and supported its global, real-time legal services, it has set them up for seamless future growth.