Infographics On Why Law Offices Need The Cloud
Those working in the legal industry have very specific needs in terms of the tools they use to get the job done. The fast-paced nature of the sector, coupled with the need for privacy for clients, means that law firms need to be extremely careful about the solutions that they choose to implement. Therefore, many organizations opt to stick with older ways of doing things, for fear that newer technologies could disrupt how they conduct business.
This has led to a lot of trepidation when it comes to adopting the cloud. Many legal firms feel like the switch will be hard, or that the cloud simply doesn’t have what they need. This simply couldn’t be further from the truth.
To begin, the cloud is incredibly easy to transition to if you have the right partner. Afinety has helped countless organizations move over to cloud-based platforms, and we’ve become quite good at making it as painless as possible.
The other side of this is the fact that the cloud is incredibly useful for those working within the legal sector. One of the biggest draws here is the technology’s ability to promote mobility. Lawyers and other legal employees often have to work outside of the office. This is where working off of an in-house solution can hit a major snag, as these people simply aren’t able to access the information they need to get the job done. In fact, the American Bar Association found that 94 percent of lawyers either use the internet “regularly” or “occasionally” when working away from the office.
Of course, mobility is only one of many benefits that the cloud has. This technology is truly revolutionary, and we want to ensure that as many people as possible are able to leverage its power. To that end, we’ve put together the infographic below that spells out the top four reasons why those working in the legal industry should consider a cloud-based solution.
If any of these pique your interest – and they certainly should – feel free to contact an Afinety representative today to learn more about this amazing technology.